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If you experience problems with the free Ad Inserter plugin you can ask for help on the support forum. However, before you ask please use debugging functions to diagnose the problem. In almost all cases it is possible to determine the nature of the problem just by checking the debugging data and source code of the page.

One of the common problems is that you don’t see the ad displayed where you expect it. In such case you should first check if ad blockers are disabled. Then you should check if the ad code is inserted. This can be done either by examining the source code of the page (make sure caching is disabled) or by enabling debugging function Label Blocks. If the code block is inserted then Ad Inserter works as expected, just the code doesn’t display anything. Check also Ads not displayed for more details.

Ad Inserter is completely free! Please support plugin development:

  • Write a short review. Positive reviews are a great incentive to fix bugs and to add new features for better monetization of your website.
  • Donate
  • Spread the word. Write about the plugin, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Upgrade to Ad Inserter Pro. Get support for sticky ads, GEO targeting, impression and click tracking, click fraud protection, frequency capping, ad blocking actions, lazy loading and access to premium support.

Ad Inserter Pro support

When contacting us for Ad Inserter Pro support in order to be able to diagnose the problem and suggest settings or fix a bug, please do the following:

  1. Enable Remote debugging (located on the Ad Inserter general plugin settings, tab , tab – Debugging).
  2. You may need to disable caching (debugging functions can’t be used when caching is enabled)
  3. Clearly describe the problem. Describe what does not work as expected.
  4. Describe the settings and code blocks used (list block numbers).
  5. Provide web addresses (links) of the pages where the code from the settings above is not inserted properly.
  6. Depending on the nature of the issue we may ask you to provide admin access to your WordPress website. Many issues simply can’t be diagnosed or fixed without having admin access to the website. You don’t have to send your admin credentials, simply create a temporary admin account or use this plugin to grant admin access with a link).

Unless you provide the items listed above we can’t check your website, can’t reproduce the problem and consequently can’t help. Once the problem is fixed you can disable remote debugging. Thank you very much for understanding.