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Version History

This is the list of recent Ad Inserter Pro versions with brief description of each version.

Version Date Changes
2.7.35 2024-06-03
  • Added support for Simple History plugin
  • Added support for external tracking for Google Tag Manager code
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.34 2024-03-28
  • Added support for ^ character to invert viewports in the VIEWPORT separator
  • Added support for index parameter for counter shortcodes
  • Changed text for content marker
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.33 2024-01-07
  • Changed widget class name
  • Added option to define maximum number of list selection items
  • Fix for Amazon external script causing false ad blocking detection
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.32 2023-11-02
  • Added experimental support for REST requests
  • Added support for data shortcode for url parameters
  • Added option for shortcodes to ignore category, tag, taxonomy and post ID lists
  • Added support for background parallax ads
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.31 2023-09-23
  • Security fix for some data revealed via remote debugging data
  • Added support to remove ad label when no code is inserted
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.30 2023-08-01
  • Improved debugging
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.29 2023-06-08
  • Added support for shortcode for reusable blocks by name
  • Added support to force using get_queried_object function to get post id
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.28 2023-04-15
  • Added support for shortcode for reusable blocks
  • Fix for PDF reports when site_url is different from home_url
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.27 2023-03-30
  • Improved compatibility with PHP 8.2
  • Security fix for deserialization
  • Fix for ad blocking detection external script trying to download a file
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.25 2023-03-04
  • Improved theme compatibility for sticky widgets with CSS mode
  • Improved tracking for Google Analytics
  • Added information bar when Wait for jQuery is enabled
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.24 2023-01-31
  • Added CSS Push mode for sticky widgets
  • Added support for sticky ads (push mode) inside post/page content
  • Added support for frontend JavaScript code in external file
  • Added support for multiple activations of rotation groups
  • Added support for %N@M format for filter counting
  • Added support to prepend and append code to rotation option codes
  • Added hook for click on the close button
  • Improved front-end code
  • Fix for client-side device detection on AMP pages
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.23 2022-12-25
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.22 2022-11-04
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.21 2022-10-28
  • Added support for Ad Inserter menu position
  • Added support for random paragraph ranges
  • Added support for default waiting time for user interaction
  • Improved front-end code
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.20 2022-10-02
  • Fix for front-end translation
2.7.19 2022-10-02
  • Added constant to disable AdSense API
  • Fix for rotation code editor
  • Fix for advaced click tracker for banners
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.18 2022-09-02
  • Added support to hide ad label when unfilled AdSense block is hidden
  • Simplified AdSense API authorization process
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.17 2022-07-08
  • Fixed bug for url parameters check
  • Added support for reCaptcha v3 score check
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.16 2022-06-28
  • Added support for adb redirection page with url queries
  • Added support for tcf-no-google shortcut
  • Security fix
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.15 2022-06-08
  • Added filter hooks for ad labels
  • Added support for constants
  • Added support for rotation option index attribute
  • Added shortcodes for block number and block name
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.14 2022-04-30
  • Added support for demo settings
  • Added support for background transparency
  • Added support for background for sticky ads
  • Added support for statistics for check options
  • Added support for individual rotation option statistics
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.13 2022-04-08
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.12 2022-03-13
  • Security fix for settings page save url
  • Added support to disable ad blocking detection for specific devices
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.11 2022-02-04
  • Security fix for sites using constants to prevent file editing/PHP processing or unfiltered HTML
  • Added filters before the options are saved
  • Added support for a shortcode for comma separated list of categories with quotes (for Google Ad Manager)
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.10 2022-01-23
  • Security fix for XSS (Reported by Krzysztof Zajac via WPScan)
  • Added support to detect and replace blank AdSense blocks
  • Added support to load and save plugins settings to a file
  • Added support for parallax ads
  • Bug fix for timed rotations
  • Bug fix for tr_TR translation
  • Improved checks for cookies
  • Improved compatibility with PHP 8.1
  • Added separate list for cookies
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.8 2021-12-03
  • Improved compatibility with PHP 8
  • Added translation for tr_TR
  • Added support to wait for an interaction before the block is loaded
  • Added support to delay insertion of the block
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.5 2021-10-28
  • Added support for fallback block for limits
  • Added support to optimize rotation shares by CTR
  • Added support to animate out sticky ads
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.4 2021-09-23
  • Updated Google API
  • Improved labels for AdSense Auto ads
  • Added external tracking support for WP username
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.3 2021-08-19
  • Improved ad blocking detection
  • Improved compatibility with PHP 8
  • Improved check for update server accessibility
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.2 2021-07-18
  • Added shortcuts for TCF v2 consent cookie checks
  • Added support for adinserter shortcode to get post ID
  • Improved ad blocking detection
  • Changed internal IP to country database
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.1 2021-06-23
  • Improved ad blocking detection
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.7.0 2021-06-02
  • Added support to list range of post IDs
  • Added support for browser language in client lists
  • Added support for client-side checks for filter hook ai_block_insertion_check
  • Added support for remote plugin managenent
  • Added support for scheduling check shortcode
  • Added support for daily scheduling time
  • Added support for css attribute in check options
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.26 2021-05-27
  • Few bug fixes
2.6.25 2021-05-26
  • Added support for block names in adinserter shortcode block attributes
  • Added support for default custom field values
  • Added support to list post ID range
  • Improved ad blocking detection
  • Reduced layout shift when using CHECK shortcodes
  • Fix for expanded shortcodes in the rotate code generator
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.24 2021-04-22
  • Added support for consent attribute for code generator for AdSense and Amazon AMP ads
  • Added support for random number shortcode
  • Added support for && and !! operators in client-side client list checks
  • Added scheduling time on blocks list (Pro only)
  • Improved undismissible message when ad blocking is detected
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.23 2021-03-21
  • Reduced layout shift when using lists and client-side dynamic blocks
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.22 2021-02-21
  • Various security fixes
  • Updated AdSense API authorization process
  • Reduced layout shift when using client-side device detection
  • Added option to block IP addresses for click fraud protection
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.21 2021-02-05
  • Improved compatibility with PHP 8
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.20 2021-01-17
  • Added support for alt text and lazy loading for banner code generator
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.19 2020-12-18
  • Improved code to reduce layout shift when using client-side device detection
  • Added translation for es_ES
  • Added translation for fr_FR
  • Added translation for it_IT
  • Improved compatibility with PHP 8
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.18 2020-11-27
  • Added support to change Dynamic blocks setting for adinserter PHP function call
  • Fix for ADINSERTER shortcodes in block codes
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.17 2020-10-31
  • Fix for double client-side insertions when using geolocation
2.6.16 2020-10-29
  • Added support for ad blocking detection action every n pageviews
  • Added support to individually disable pageview or click tracking
  • Changed IAB TCF v2 cookie check name from euconsent-v2 to tcf-v2 (euconsent-v2 will still work)
  • Fix for category check on category pages
  • Fix for issues with Safari browser
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.15 2020-10-07
  • No ad blocking detection actions for crawlers and bots
  • Fix for processing Ad Inserter shortcodes inside HTML tags
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.14 2020-09-10
  • Added support to insert [embed] shortcodes
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.12 2020-08-24
  • Support for PHP 7.4
  • Improved ad blocking detection
  • Added options to delay client-side insertions at HTML element
  • Added support to check for multiple cookie values (needed for IAB TCF 2.0)
  • Added filter hooks for block processing
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.11 2020-07-25
  • Added support for IAB Transparency & Consent Framework 2.0
  • Added support for taxonomy for primary category
  • Added support for taxonomy for post meta data
  • Added support to invert contain/do not contain text condition for paragraph counting
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.10 2020-06-27
  • Added user taxonomy items for logged-in and not logged-in users
  • Added option to define tab setup delay (for the plugin settings page)
  • Added option to insert unique ad rotation options when block is inserted more than once
  • Added support for client-side device detection for AMP pages (for method Show)
  • Added support for code generator for Amazon AMP ads
  • Added support for custom tracking events 
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.9 2020-06-01
  • Added option for paragraph counting to search only tag attributes for text
  • Added option to embed block Javascript code (to be loaded with Ajax calls)
  • Added support to prevent duplicate insertions when the_content filter is called more than once
  • Added support for the client list to check for partial user agent strings
  • Added support for check of cookie object properties
  • Improved ad blocking detection
  • Viewports no longer need to be in descending width order
  • Added option to protect inserted block content
  • Added support for adb scripts path filter hook
  • Added support to export statistics data to CSV file
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.8 2020-04-29
  • Added support to disable PHP processing by PHP constant
  • Added support to repeat COUNT options
  • Added support for offset for %n paragraph number (%n@o)
  • Added support for options to skip insertion for first and last paragraphs
  • Added support for hook filter ‘ai_block_insertion_check’
  • Added support for background ads
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.7 2020-04-09
  • Added support for various shortcodes for post categories
  • Added support for various shortcodes for post tags
  • Added support for user action on click
  • Added support for manual loading
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.6 2020-03-21
  • Fix for exceptions list not showing all exceptions
  • Improved ad blocking detection
  • Fix for close button in preview window
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.5 2020-03-04
  • Added support for url data shortcode
  • Added warning if not all exceptions were cleared
  • Added support for MaxMind country only database
  • Added support for ip to country lookup filter hook
  • Fix for country groups in CHECK separators
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.4 2020-02-13
  • Fix for use of undefined constant warning
2.6.3 2020-02-12
  • Added support for shortcodes to disable block insertion
  • Added support for child taxonomy list items
  • Added random parameter to Ajax requests for geolocation
  • Added options to define external tracking event category, action and label
  • Number of custom hooks increased to 20
  • Fix to prevent insertion into head section when using Rank Math plugin
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.2 2020-01-23
  • Added support to disable caching of block PHP code
  • Added support to pause blocks on the blocks list
  • Added support for no url parameters list item
  • Added support for client-side scheduling
  • Added support for server-side scheduling using W3TC
  • Added support for multisite:site-id taxonomy list item
  • Updated MaxMind GeoLite2 database download using license key
  • Changed settings format in the database to prevent export/import issues with MySQL/PhpMyAdmin
  • Fix for [ADINSERTER counter] shortcode not expanding inside HTML tags
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.6.1 2020-01-11
  • Added support for VIEWPORT separator
  • Added support for viewport check in CHECK separators
  • Added support to show processing log on front-end
  • Added support to show link to the Ad Inserter Pro settings page on multisite Sites page
  • Added support to detect and prevent document.write after DOM is ready
  • Added support for scheduling hours
  • Added support for scheduling days in week
  • Added support for W3TC insertion debugging info
  • Improved Javascript code for client-side functions
  • Improved ad blocking detection
  • Default value for Wait for jQuery set to Enabled
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.5.10 2019-12-12
  • Optimized Javascript code to allow advanced optimizations
  • Added support to wait for jQuery so it can be deferred
  • Added support for children categories in lists
  • Added support to load settings page in safe mode
  • Added warning notice if PHP version is below 5.6
  • Improved user interface for lists
  • Modified Javascript code that was wrongly replaced by CDN url
  • Fix for updates server access warning message
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.5.9 2019-11-20
  • Added support for block name class
  • Added support for code generator for AdSense sticky AMP ads
  • Fix for paragraph clearance issues
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.5.8 2019-11-16
  • Added support to call function adinserter () with block name
  • Added support to insert header code with HEAD separator only once
  • Additional info for errors when saving settings
  • Improved support for insertion between posts on AMP pages
  • Implemented compatibility with other plugins using phpQuery library
  • Added support for shortcode to disable tracking on specific pages
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.5.7 2019-10-14
  • Added support for PenCi Soledad AMP plugin
  • Fix for php processing on multisite installations
  • Fix for client-side referrer check
  • Fix for header and footer code on AMP pages using AMP plugin
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.5.5 2019-09-30
  • Added support for client list (black/whitelist operating systems, browsers, device names)
  • Fix for replaced tags with default value {name:default-value}
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.5.4 2019-09-27
  • Minor bug fix regarding update checks
2.5.3 2019-09-27
  • Added support for warning when Ad Inserter is disabled by AMPforWP Plugin Manager
  • Added support for block shortcode attributes
  • Added support for post ID list to include all posts or static pages
  • Added option for maximum number of paragraphs
  • Added support to check for update server accessibility
  • Added ids to ad blocking popup message and overlay elements
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.5.2 2019-09-12
  • Added options to define paragraph counting inside container elements
  • Added support to pin block list
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.5.1 2019-08-24
  • Few minor bug fixes
2.5.0 2019-08-22
  • Improved user interface
  • Simplified user interface for individual post/page exceptions
  • Added support for virtual ads.txt file
  • Added support for frequency capping
  • Added support for click fraud detection
  • Changed url prefix for public reports to avoid possible url collisions
  • Fix for shortcode processing when blocks were used before init hook
  • Many minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.23 2019-08-02
  • Added support to define custom fields with shortocdes
  • Added support to delay showing ads for specified number of pageviews
  • Added support to remember closed ad for specified time period
  • Added support to automatically close ad after specified time period
  • Fix for false positive ad blocking detection
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.22 2019-07-13
  • Fix for remote code execution vulnerability – credit to Wordfence
2.4.21 2019-07-11
  • Fix for possible error Class not found (Pro only)
2.4.20 2019-07-10
  • Fix for path traversal vulnerability – credit to Wilfried BĂ©card of Synacktiv (
  • Fix for block rearrangement issues
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.19 2019-06-20
  • Added support for taxonomy for Yoast primary category
  • Layout changes to accomodate longer translated texts
  • Fix for escape character not saved in header, footer and ad blocking message code
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.18 2019-05-31
  • Added support for full width responsive AdSense code option
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.16 2019-04-21
  • Fix for compatibility with AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages for WordPress
  • Few minor bug fixes
2.4.15 2019-04-19
  • Fix for improved compatibility with other plugins
  • Few minor bug fixes and cosmetic changes
2.4.14 2019-04-18
  • Fix for ROTATE shortcodes with option name identical to block name
  • Fix for possible conflict with output buffering in other plugins
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.13 2019-04-13
  • Added shortcode to disable ad blocking detection code
  • Added options to disable ad blocking actions for administrators or logged in users
  • Added option to change PDF report footer
  • Added support for public ad impression and click reports
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.12 2019-03-23
  • Added ads.txt editor
  • Added option to prevent disabling caching for logged in administrators
  • Improved compatibility with PHP 7.2
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.11 2019-02-24
  • Fix for saving code with slashes
  • Fix for rotation editor code import
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.10 2019-02-20
  • Added support for counter shortcodes
  • Added support for code separator selection for code preview
  • Added support for group rotations
  • Added support for CHECK separator
  • Added links to test pages for check for available positions
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.9 2019-02-06
  • Added support for HEAD separator
  • Added support for DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) ads
  • Added support to generate statistics reports in PDF format
  • Fix for ad label when using AMP separator
  • Fix for AdSense code fixed by viewport
  • Fix for error when checking for available positions
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.8 2019-01-20
  • Added support for automatic insertion before/after image
  • Added support for theme checker for available positions for automatic insertion
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.7 2019-01-15
  • Improvements to the user interface
  • Fix for lazy loading in Ajax calls
  • Fix for country list editor
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.6 2019-01-10
  • Improved ad blocking detection (detects Firefox content blocking)
  • Added support for wildcards for referrers (domains)
  • Added debugging notice when JavaScript errors are detected
  • Added support to load blocks in iframes
  • Added geolocation support for country subdivisions and cities
  • Added option to hide license key on client websites
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.5 2018-12-27
  • Added support for AMP WP – Google AMP For WordPress
  • Added support to individually disable insertions for debugging purposes
  • Improved HTML element selection tool
  • Fix for Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user()
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.4 2018-12-13
  • Added support for insertion before/after every N paragraphs (%N)
  • Added support for i18n
  • Fix for insertion on admin pages
  • Fix for client-side cookie check
  • Fix for loaded styles from other plugins/themes on the settings page
  • Fix for client-side insertion near HTML elements using :eq selector
  • Fix for deactivation feedback form not closing
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.2 2018-10-24
  • Added support for visual HTML element selection
  • Fix for client-side insertion inside HTML elements
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.1 2018-10-06
  • Added option to insert into HTML element (prepend, append, replace content)
  • Added option to remove HTML element
  • Added support for negative relative positions for paragraph counting
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.4.0 2018-09-28
  • Improved code for client-side insertion
  • Fix for compatibility with older PHP versions (below 5.4)
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.21 2018-09-21
  • Added option to force showing admin toolbar when viewing site
  • Added additional debugging info for blocks in Ajax requests
  • Fix for viewport visibility detection
  • Fix for rotation with non-ASCII characters
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.20 2018-09-08
  • Improved loading of settings
  • Fix for content processing in some ajax calls
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.18 2018-08-22
  • Added support to schedule insertion for N days after publishing
  • Added support to schedule insertion only for posts published in/outside time period
  • Added support to prevent activation of free Ad Inserter while Pro is active
  • Added url parameter to show block code
  • Improved Header/Footer code debugging
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.17 2018-08-03
  • Added shortcode for ad blocking detection action
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.16 2018-08-02
  • Added option to insert block only when WP loop is currently active
  • Added support for Better AMP plugin
  • Code generator for placeholders on https sites now generates https urls
  • Optimized loading of plugin settings
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.15 2018-07-18
  • Fix for insertion on AMP pages
2.3.14 2018-07-17
  • Simplified AdSense integration
  • Added setting to define maximum number of blocks (ads) per page
  • Optimized the_content filter processing
  • Added setting for lazy loading offset
  • Fix for url parameter list when using client-side dynamic blocks
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.13 2018-07-11
  • Added support for lazy loading
  • Fix for unwanted insertions with some paragraph settings
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.12 2018-07-04
  • Added support for W3TC/client-side check for cookies (in url parameter list) to support showing ads based on visitor’s cookie consent
  • Added support for W3TC/client-side check for referers
  • Improved paragraph processing
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.10 2018-06-23
  • Added support for timed rotation
  • Added support for client-side insertion of dynamic blocks
  • Improved word count function
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.9 2018-05-29
  • Added option to easily disable insertion of individual code block
  • Changes for compatibility with PHP 7.2
  • Added non-interaction parameter to external tracking (Pro only)
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.8 2018-04-18
  • Added support for rotation option shares
  • Added support for sticky sidebar ads (stick to the screen or to the content)
  • Added support for sticky ad trigger (page scroll in % or px, HTML element visible)
  • Added support for sticky ad animations (fade, slide, turn, flip, zoom)
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.7 2018-03-27
  • Added support for ad labels
  • Blocked search indexing while debugging
  • Close button setting moved to tab Display
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.6 2018-03-20
  • Added widget for debugging tools
  • Fix for AdSense ad overlays not displayed with some themes
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.3.5 2018-03-14
  • Added display of header and footer code in Label blocks debugging function
  • Added AdSense ad overlays in Label blocks debugging function (experimental)
  • Fixed bug for removed square brackets in HTML element selectors
  • Fixed preview of AdSense ad units
  • Few minor bug fixes
2.3.4 2018-03-06
  • Added support for author:author-username items in taxonomy list
  • Fixed errors when downgrading from Pro
  • Few minor bug fixes
2.3.3 2018-02-08
  • Added list editors
  • Added Label blocks debugging function for AdSense Auto ads
2.3.2 2018-02-02
  • Added AdSense code generator for ad sizes using CSS media queries
  • Fix for slow updates caused by changed user agent (Pro only, credits Olivier Langlois)
  • Fix for client-side insertion of non-English characters before/after HTML element
  • Few minor bug fixes
2.3.1 2018-01-26
  • Added support for server-side insertion before/after any HTML element
  • Few minor bug fixes
2.3.0 2018-01-22
  • Added support for client-side insertion before/after any HTML element
  • Inplemented AdSense integration
  • Added option to define close button position
  • Fix for code generator import and code preview error with non ASCII characters
  • Fix for post/page exceptions and page types not processed in the header
  • Fix for close button in preview window
  • Fix for errors when rearranging blocks
  • Fix for errors when importing code
  • Few other bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.2.16 2018-01-06
  • Added code generator for placeholders
  • Added option to disable caching (works with WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache and WP Rocket)
  • Added shortcut option to generate only block code (no wrapping div)
  • Added options to configure classes for wrapping div
  • Added support for external tracking via Google Analytics and Piwik
  • Added support for MaxMind geolocation databases
  • Added option for close button on sticky ads
  • Fix for no paragraph counting inside nested elements
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.2.13 2017-12-27
  • Added option to disable inline alignment styles for code blocks (using alignment classes)
  • Added preview buttons in code block list
  • Fix for ad blocking detection when using https
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.2.10 2017-12-10
  • Added position for automatic insertion Above header (after <body> tag)
  • Added rotation code editor
  • Added support to name rotation options
  • Added code generator for banners
  • Added code generator for AdSense
  • Added support to rearrange code blocks
  • Added support to copy any block settings
  • Added support for clipboard to copy/paste block settings
  • Added option to select ad blocking detection mode
  • Delayed insertion on posts now available for all insertion positions
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.2.7 2017-11-08
  • Added list with short overview of all code blocks
  • Added support for word count on blog pages
  • Added support for client code preview (no need to save it for preview)
  • Improved compatibility on AMP pages
  • Fix for posts filter counter not counting
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.2.5 2017-10-16
  • Added support to insert raw HTTP response header lines
  • Added support to check for individual exceptions for shortcodes
  • Added support to trigger ad blocking detection action only on individual pages
  • Added support for automatic insertion position Footer
  • Added support for custom hooks
  • Url parameter list now checks url parameters ($_GET) and cookies ($_COOKIE)
  • Fix for |count| separator not processed
2.2.3 2017-09-26
  • Added support to insert custom fields via shortcut
  • Added support for user:USERNAME and user-role:USER_ROLE taxonomy list items
  • Added support for post-type:POST_TYPE taxonomy list items
  • Added support for JavaScript based sticky widgets
  • Added support for ad blocking statistics
  • Added support for WP AMP and WP AMP Ninja plugins
  • Post/Page Word Count moved to Misc section (now works also on widgets)
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.2.2 2017-08-28
  • Added support for ad blocking detection (experimental)
  • Added support for |amp| shortcode to separate code for AMP pages
  • Added support for |rotate0| and |count0| shortcodes
  • Added syntax highlighting for shortcodes and separators
  • Added style `clear: both;` to Default, Left, Right and Center alignments
  • Bug fix for errors when loading tracking charts (Pro only)
  • Few other bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.1.14 2017-08-07
  • Added option to define tags inside which paragraphs are not counted
  • Added max insertions check when inserting for all paragraphs
  • Added support for inverted filter
  • Increased nonce lifespan to 48 hours when using tracking
  • Fixed wrong urls in debug menu when behind proxy
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.1.11 2017-07-21
  • Improved support for sticky widgets
  • Added support for ad counting (|count| separator)
  • Added support to black/white-list arbitrary taxonomies (taxonomy, term or taxonomy:term)
  • Added support for automatic insertion before, between and after comments
  • Added processing of shortcodes in the header and footer code
  • Debugging function Show positions shows also page type
  • Fixed page type detection when Post page was set to static page and it was not homepage
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.1.10 2017-07-01
  • Fix for shifted sidebars in some themes
2.1.9 2017-06-30
  • Added support for sticky widgets
  • Added support to insert code after images (Automatic Insertion: After Paragraph, Paragraphs with tags: img)
  • Impression and click tracking (beta)
  • Few minor bug fixes, cosmetic changes and code improvements
2.1.8 2017-0518
  • Fixed error when using server-side device detection
2.1.7 2017-05-13
  • Fixed error when using PHP 5.4 or earlier
2.1.6 2017-05-12
  • Added support for insertion before/after multiple paragraphs
  • Added initial support for impression and click tracking (Pro only)
  • Few bug fixes and cosmetic changes
2.1.5 2017-04-06
  • Added support to avoid insertion inside <figure> and <li> elements (image captions, lists)
  • Added support for exceptions for custom post types
  • Few minor bug fixes and code improvements
2.1.4 2017-03-12
  • Paragraph counting restored to standard functions
  • Added option to select paragraph counting functions with multibyte support (unicode characters)
  • Fixed bug for wrong paragraph counting in posts with blockquote sections in some cases
  • Fixed bug for wrong measuring of plugin processing time in some cases
  • Fixed bug for “Empty delimiter” warning
2.1.3 2017-03-11
  • Added support for counting paragraphs with multibyte (unicode) characters
  • Fixed bug for class name not saved
  • Few minor bug fixes and cosmetic changes
2.1.2 2017-03-01
  • Fixed bug for disabled settings page on multisite blogs
2.1.1 2017-02-26
  • Changes for compatibility with PHP 7.1
  • Automatic rename of old pro plugin slug (Pro only)
  • Added support for additional Pro features (Pro only)
  • Few bug fixes and cosmetic changes
2.1.0 2017-02-10
  • Added support to insert ads in Ajax requests (e.g. in infinite scroll)
  • Added support to not include block classes when class name is empty
  • Added sticky positions (Pro only)
  • Bug fix for minimum user role not taken into account for exceptions list
  • Bug fix for IP database update cron event (Pro only)
2.0.14 2017-02-02
  • Fixed issue for responsive ads not displayed when using Left, Center or Right alignment
2.0.13 2017-02-01
  • Added icons for Automatic insertion and alignment
  • Automatic insertion None changed to Disabled
  • Alignment None changed to Default
  • Changed database option data for Automatic insertion and Alignment settings
  • Improved CSS 3 code for Left, Center and Right alignment
  • Click on CSS code starts editing
  • Page/Post exceptions listed in debug output
  • Different plugin slug for Pro version
  • Few minor bug fixes and cosmetic changes
2.0.9 2017-01-08
  • Added support for uppercase {country_ISO2} and lowercase {country_iso2} tag (Pro only)
  • Removed inclusion of dummy css and js file
  • Bug fix: Client-side dynamic blocks were not enabled if not using W3 Total Cache
2.0.8 2017-01-06
  • Added support for client-side rotation (works with caching)
  • Added support for server-side rotation with W3 Total Cache
  • Added support for client-side country detection (works with caching, Pro only)
  • Added support for server-side country detection with W3 Total Cache (Pro only)
  • Added debugging functions to measure plugin processing time
  • Added option to black/white-list IP addresses (Pro only)
  • Added option for fallback code when scheduling between dates expires (Pro only)
  • On multisite installations Ad Inserter debug menu item on sites is available only if settings page is enabled
  • Added option for multisite installations to use Ad Inserter settings of main site for all blogs
  • Added flags to country list (Pro only)
  • Bug fix: Code preview did not work if WordPress was installed in a folder
  • Few minor bug fixes and cosmetic changes
2.0.7 2016-12-23
  • Delayed display moved to Misc group
  • Added option for scheduling to insert code only between specified dates (Pro only)
  • Added option for Geo targeting (Pro only)
  • Few minor bug fixes and cosmetic changes
2.0.6 2016-11-25
  • Added support to filter subpages created by the <!–nextpage–> tag
  • Added option to import block name (Pro only)
  • Cookie deleted only when it exists and debugging is disabled
  • Few minor bug fixes
2.0.5 2016-10-08
  • Cookie created only when debugging is enabled
  • Few minor bug fixes
2.0.4 2016-09-30
  • Bug fix: Cursor position always at the end of block name
  • State of debugging functions saved to cookie
  • Few minor bug fixes
2.0.3 2016-09-26
  • Debugging functions in admin toolbar available only for administrators
  • Added option to hide debugging functions in admin toolbar
  • Added shortcode for debugger
  • Few minor bug fixes
2.0.2 2016-09-25
  • Changed javascript version check to get plugin version from the HTML page
  • Added warning if old cached version of CSS file is loaded on the settings page
  • Added warning if version query parameter for js/css files is removed due to inappropriate caching
2.0.0 2016-09-23
  • Redesigned user interface
  • Added many debugging tools for easier troubleshooting
  • New feature: Code preview tool with visual CSS editor
  • New feature: Label inserted blocks
  • New feature: Show available positions for automatic insertion
  • New feature: Show HTML tags in posts/static pages
  • New feature: Log Ad Inserter processing
  • Improved loading speed of the settings page
  • Improved block insertion processing speed
  • Added support to avoid insertion near images, headers and other elements
  • Added option to avoid insertion in feeds
  • Added option to display code blocks only to administrators
  • Added option for publishig date check for display positions Before/After Content
  • Added option for server-side device check for header and footer code
  • Added option for maximum page/post words
  • Added option for maximum paragraph words
  • Added option to black/white-list post IDs
  • Added option to black/white-list url query parameters
  • Added warning if the settings page is blocked by ad blocker
  • Added warning if old cached version of javascript is loaded on the settings page
  • Added support for multisite installations to disable settings, widgets and exceptions on network sites (Pro only)
  • Block names can be edited by clicking on the name
  • Filters now work also on posts and single pages
  • CSS code for client-side detection moved to inline CSS
  • Bug fix: Minimum user roles for exception editing was not calculated properly
  • Bug fix: Server-side detection checkbox was not saved properly
  • Many other minor bug fixes, code improvements and cosmetic changes
1.7.0 2016-08-16
  • Bug fix: Shortcodes did not ignore post/static page exceptions
  • Slightly redesigned user interface
  • Excerpt/Post number(s) renamed to Filter as it now works on all display positions
  • Widget setting removed from Automatic display to Manual display section
  • Added support to disable widgets (standalone checkbox in Manual display)
  • Added call counter/filter for widgets
  • Added support to edit CSS for predefined styles
  • Few other minor bug fixes, code improvements and cosmetic changes
1.6.7 2016-08-09
  • Bug fix: Block code textarea was not escaped
  • Added checks for page types for shortcodes
  • Added support for Before/After Post position call counter/filter
  • Few minor cosmetic changes
1.6.6 2016-08-05
  • Initial release